Monday 9 July 2012

Day 44 and 45 Gaudina to Xunquiera

Day 44        Gaudina to Laza                                       33kms
We left early this morning as we had quite a high mountain pass to cross. Unfortunately it was a very foggy morning and after about 5 kilometers of climbing we reached the first summit. Apparently it is a great view but we were socked in with fog. The clouds were swirling and I had the feeling we were in Ireland more than Spain.

 After we crossed the first pass we encountered rain, buckets of rain. This took us quite by surprise, we were not prepared physically or mentally. In the 6 weeks of walking, this was our first day of rain. 

Later the rain stopped and the fog lifted revealing beautiful green mountains all around. It is kinda cool walking across a country and seeing the landscape change as you walk. 
Felt more like Peru than Spain

Day 45                    Laza to Xunquiera                          34kms
Galicia is so beautiful, such a contrast to the plains of Spain. But…. that saying ‘THE RAIN IN SPAIN FALLS MAINLY ON THE PLAIN’ is not true at all. It falls mainly in Galicia. There are so many parts, trees and plants that remind me of British Columbia, it feels like I am back in Canada. 

We crossed over another mountain pass and at the top arrived in a small village, only to hear Leonard Cohen music blaring from a small bar. The elderly bartender turned out to be quite a character and has this bar full of scallop shells signed by passing pilgrims.

 Of course we signed a shell and hung it up on the wall. We saw some names of other Canadians, all from Quebec.
This part of Galicia is known for its corn shelters. These buildings are used to store the corn year round, mostly for livestock consumption.  
  We know only have about 120 kms to go to Santiago. So hard to believe!!

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